There are several types of web hosting that have materialized in the recent past, based on the diverse hosting needs of websites and customers. The most common type of web hosting is Shared web hosting. It is cheaper and easier to use, but it may not be as flexible as the other options. Another type is Cloud hosting. This is the most flexible hosting environment available. Also, fewer websites share the same server, and as a result, there are a greater number of resources made available to your website. A more extravagant option is Dedicated hosting. It allows for complete flexibility and customization, and guarantees the optimal performance of your server. It is also considerably more expensive compared other methods, and requires intricate technical knowledge. This is what our team of experts excels in.
Developing a website that acts as a resource is an elaborate effort that requires a considerable investment of time. It is also important to ensure that the web presence keeps pace with the actual presence and growth of your business. Choosing a reliable web hosting provider is a vital part of establishing a web presence that works to compliment the growth of your business. A flexible and affordable hosting solution can do exponential good for your business, and is exactly what we aim to be when our clients choose us for the task of business web hosting. Our web hosting services allow you to mould your website without ever changing servers. Our servers are based out of the US. The complete maintenance, support, Linux, and Windows administration are outsourced to and managed by us from India. The Voice and Email Helpdesk are also outsourced to the same location.
Our web server hosting services allow corporations to maintain business-critical Internet servers off-site for enhanced security, and improved bandwidth availability. Our business web hosting services also ensure comparatively increased reliability of connections. A server that is based off-site is crucial for the protection of your internal company network. The vulnerabilities of a public web server to your local company network are eliminated with an off-site server. This in turn also results in reducing the internal security costs your business may incur as a result of adopting inferior hosting solutions.
Of course, primary control of the server is maintained by you, with Administrative Access. Perhaps most importantly, our web hosting services allow you to customize software capabilities to suit your specific needs.